Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Scottrade continues to irritate

The clowns at Scottrade just cannot keep it together.
Yesterday it was impossible to trade until 15 minutes after the open. NO premarket.
And now today accounts are completely inaccessible.

Unfortunately, we are unable to complete your request at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Well at least they're sorry.
The really sad thing is that these problems aren't new.
This has happened two other times recently.
Expect a massive exodus.
And look at those who stand to gain as a possible play (TRAD, OXPS, etc.), the discount brokers have been beaten down anyway.

Which broker do you use?
Who would you recommend?

1 comment:

J.L. said...

Finally up and working @ 9:40.
Let's see, I missed a 60-cent gain in TSO and 3 dollars in LULU.
But I'm not bitter.