Sunday, November 9, 2008

China gets fiscal: $586 billion stimulus

Concerned that economic growth could slow to a rate below 9% (the horror), China's plan dwarfs the initial $168 billion U.S. stimulus package of tax rebates.
The FXI was up 12.8% on Friday, which is set up to mimic just a direct 1:1 relationship with the FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index. The FXP, the double inverse of the FXI, was down 25.6% (spot on management). One would expect the FXI to gap higher on Monday. Too bad there's not a 2X long China ETF, or emerging markets. You could short the FXP or EEV.  UYM, 2X basic materials, could work.  But opening gaps often fade throughout the trading day.

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