Sunday, November 9, 2008

Natural Gas Weekly Storage 5-Year Chart

At 3,405 Bcf on Oct. 31, stocks were 130 Bcf below 2007 levels, and 78 Bcf above the 5-year avg. of 3,327 Bcf.  
How about another request for more 2X levered ETFs?
Nat gas would be hugely popular.
UNG 1-year chart:


Anonymous said...

We have 2X gas exposure in Canada (Toronto exchange) under symbol HGU (up) and HGD (down). Horizon Beta Pro ETFs

Tim T

J.L. said...

Hi Tim,
Thanks for those!
UNG +6.2% today.
HGU.TO +10.8%!
Because it's Canadian, there's some currency exchange risk for us in the U.S, so I've added a CAD/Dollar exchange rate graph on the right (--->).
If you have any suggestions for the site, let me know, it's mostly just a repository for links and info that I reference often.
I appreciate the tip, thanks for stopping in!

J.L. said...

I like the fact that they're both very liquid.
We have a heating oil ETF (UHN), but it's VERY thinly traded. The gasoline fund (UGA) does a little bit better, that should be a solid seasonal play in late March/early April ahead of the run-up into Memorial Day, at least as a hedge against your own personal driving expenses. A lot of people piled into refiners last spring expecting them to rebound on the increase in gasoline (as they typically do). But the larger rise in oil crushed them into oblivion. Even though gasoline DID increase. UGA is the pure way to play it now, no crack spread risk.

J.L. said...

Tim, you gave me the symbols for the gold bull/bear combo. I know the loonie lost 2% today against the dollar (big move), but I figured that couldn't account for the difference in returns for the symbols you gave considering the sizable move in nat gas today. I corrected the symbols/links. The complete list of Horizons Betapro ETFs can be found here:
Good luck out there.

J.L. said...

Here's a post from another blog that touts the hedging benefits of the UGA gasoline fund:

otcbb stocks said...

Good post.Natural gas is a great fuel for a piston engine. It burns so cleanly that the crankcase oil stays clear and engine components last much longer.

viagra online said...

I think the storage of natural gas is a great idea because we can trust that we always going to have reserve.

cheap viagra said...

Thanks mate... just dropped by. Will look for BIKE STN when we get to Seattle. Still in Buenos Airies.

Cialis said...

Gas prices have risen again this month!